Their is a very remote possibility that when a football or soccer match is being broadcasted in TV the results of the match may appear different for different viewers unless they were watching different matches with similar looking jerseys on the field and someone else had changed the channel without your knowledge but so as to speak their are no clear goal posts and no scoring to decide the real winner in the nature's game.
We all know that tortoises had beaten the hare in our kindergarten textbook sprint championships but had they beaten us too?
Now what kind of an absurd statement is this but wait if we think alternately what is the possibility that a tortoise might think that they are more advanced than the human race?
Chances are quite high because firstly their life expectancy is still higher than Japanese people, they have got a bio-engineered bite proof vest(which we don't have) and lastly they don't seem to move quite much to get hold of its meal like the other more fancied species who compete with each other to get featured in a "Net Geo Ultimate Wild" kind of series and they might even beat our chubby kids on "laziness measurement index" as well.
Which forces me to think that may be other species on earth seem to be vulnerable and dependent on us for the time being but still we can never be sure of something until time(in order of millions of years) tests it and not our labs or may be tortoises were watching the bundesLIGA finals while we were busy admiring the La Liga pool stages while John Oliver was making fun of the FIFA itself on his show.
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